News & Articles By Derek Henry
By Derek Henry
Four ways to get more omega 3s without taking fish oil capsules
A few years back omega 3s had their time in the limelight as the latest and greatest nutrient you should focus on, with specific attention to fish oil capsules. Although certain types of fish can yield a beneficial amount of omega 3s, there seemed to be a complete black out on other sources that were […]
By Derek Henry
The unmatched health benefits of black seed oil
As more and more natural remedies come along, it becomes glaringly obvious that nature has the remedy to nearly everything that ails us. Whether we use these remedies properly in conjunction with a healthy and holistic lifestyle is up to us, but there is very little debate that plants have been healing mankind for thousands […]
By Derek Henry
4 reasons people are flocking to fermented foods
There have been many trends through the years for health enthusiasts, and although many of these ideas are half-baked, every once in a while one comes along that has some teeth to it and can actually legitimately change a person’s life. Fermented foods, or perhaps more accurately, cultured foods, are one of those rare trends that can […]
By Derek Henry
Big pharma doesn’t want you to know about this potent healing food
When evaluating your health, it really comes down to two things — nutrient levels and toxic burden. For years the focus has been on removing toxins from the body, which is why the words “detox” and “cleanse” are seen in nearly every health program created. Of course, cleansing is a very important part of the […]
By Derek Henry
Why broccoli is undeniably the most amazing vegetable for your health
Yep, your mother got it right, again. She knew intuitively that broccoli was good for you, and perhaps “forced” you to eat it as a child. Well, you may want to call your mother and thank her for introducing this amazing vegetable into your life at an early age, because it could quite conceivably be […]
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